Travelling by train
One of the good things of travelling in Italy is that, in a time span of two or three hours you can completely change your perspective. I mean landscape, climate, cuisine and also people, sound of the language and historical setting.
Distances are relatively small and if you want to avoid the stress of traffic, the train is a great option. Recently the italian rail backbone has been connected into a high speed train network so that Northern, Central and Southern Italy, as well as the rest of Europe are now closer and easy to reach.
When tired of the cold Northern Italian winter the best way of getting to the warm light of Rome is train. From where we live and work, near the main rail hub of Bologna, it only takes three hours of comfortable ride.The fact that in some legs of the trip, this beastly machine may speed up to 300 kilometres per hour is a great thing for us, believers in the Faith of Progress. However not to be mentioned to the others, the “non believers”. Yet users!
You will get an extra bonus by taking a seat by the window. As the Italian landscape, flows and changes, this is an experience that you would like to do over and over again. The large glass window is not a TV monitor, it is all real and about nature, while it is guaranteed that during the return trip you will be watching a new show, under a different light.Starting from the hazy, rich cultivated plains of Emilia, after crossing or better piercing the Appennines, the train rides Tuscany, where the sky takes new colours and a different depth.
You start realising that you are close to Rome entering the ample Tevere river valley.
Within minutes you are there, ready to be engulfed in the noise and frenzied activity of this unique city.