Privacy & Policy

Privacy Policy

This page will describe management of our web site as regards processing the personal data of users that visit us.

This information is provided - also in pursuance of Section 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and Articles 13 and 14 EU Regulation 2016/679 - to any entity having to do with the web-based services that are made available by the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italian Data Protection Authority) via electronic networks as from the following address: (it, nl, se, tr, uk, cn, in, id, ph, sg, us, ca, za, au); (fr, gr, nl, in, ph, sg, za, au);

which correspond to the home pages of our official web sites.

The information provided only applies to our web site and does not concern any web sites that may be visited by an user via external links. The information is for all who access the site (hereinafter the "Users" or, singularly, the "User") and applies only to the data acquired as a result of the consultation of the site. This information does not also refers to other websites that may be accessible and available to users through hyperlinks (links) possibly contained in the Site.

The information provided is also based on the guidelines contained in Recommendation no. 2/2001, which was adopted on 17 May 2001 by the European data protection authorities within the Working Party set up under Article 29 of European Directive 95/46/EC in order to lay down minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online - especially with regard to arrangements, timing and contents of the information to be provided by data controllers to users visiting web pages for whatever purpose. The above Recommendation as well as a summary of its purposes can be found in another section of this site.

Data Controller

Visiting this site may result into the processing of data concerning identified or identifiable persons.

The data controller is Bertazzoni S.p.A, with registered office in Guastalla (Italy), Via Palazzina 8.

Place Where Data Is Processed

The processing operations related to the web-based services that are made available via this website are carried out at the aforementioned office of the Bertazzoni S.p.A. exclusively by the Internet hosting service provider, actually Microsoft Azure.

Processing Arrangements

Personal data is processed with automated means for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it has been collected. Specific security measures are implemented to prevent the data from being lost, used unlawfully and/or inappropriately, and accessed without authorisation.

Categories of Processed Data

Navigation Data

It is possible access the site without providing any personally identifying.

However, the computer systems and software procedures by operating the site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data (such as the User's IP address) that are then transmitted when using Internet communication protocols.

Other navigational data that can be acquired by the Data controller are, for example, the systems domain names of the systems or devices used by users who connect to the Site; the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources; the time of such requests; the method used for submitting a given request to the server; returned file size; the length of stay on the single page of the Site; a numerical code relating to server response status (successfully performed, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computer environment. This information is not collected in order to relate it to identify data subjects, however it might allow user identification per se after being processed and matched with data held by third parties.

Data Provided Voluntarily by Users

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data through specific forms within the site, or through the e-mail addresses listed on the site, it involves the acquisition of the sender's e-mail address need for answers, as well as any other personal data in the form or message.

Optional Data Provision

The Data controller will use the data provided voluntarily by the User to handle any request. The user is not required to provide personal data, however in case of refusal, the Data controller may not be able to handle the requests.

To achieve the purposes referred to in this information and within the limits as to what is strictly necessary, the data will be processed by the Data controller and its employees, agents and / or people authorized on this purpose. Apart from complying with demanding regulatory requirements, the data will not be communicate to third parties and not transmitted for disclosure.


The above-mentioned Recommendation (no. 2/2001) defines cookies as "a computer record of information sent by a web server to a user's computer for future identification of that computer when future visits to the same web site."

Cookies (small text files that the site sends to your device, where they are then stored in order to be re-transmitted at the same site the next visit) may be permanent or session, "First Party" (the site or domain origin) or "third party" (third-party).

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are used as a necessary tool for the performance of certain functional services to the improvement of individual aspects of the Website.

According to the Article 122 of the Italian Privacy Code (Legislative Decree 196/2003) for technical cookie is not required to give consent to the person concerned to the processing of data, because their use is limited to the technical storage or to access to information already stored, and are "aimed exclusively at carrying out the transmission of a communication on an

electronic communications network, or insofar as this is strictly necessary to the provider of an

information society service that has been explicitly requested by the contracting party or user to

provide the said service.”.

The technical cookies are distinguished in turn into:

• essential technical cookies: required for navigation and the proper functioning of the website;

• analytics cookie: necessary for the collection of information, in aggregate form, the number of users and how they visit the website;

• feature-Cookie: indispensable to allow navigation in function of a set of selected criteria (such as language) in order to improve the return to the same service.

Permanent cookies are a text file sent by a web server to a web browser and, once stored by the browser, it remains valid until the scheduled maturity date (unless it is not deleted from the visitor before that date).

Session cookies, however, expire at the end of the session use, or closing the web browser.

Cookies "First Party" (or first part) are those set by this website; cookies "Third party" (or third party) belong to a different domain from this website and are set because it use functions managed by third parties.

Under Article 13 of the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003) and in compliance with the requirements of the measure by the Personal Data Protection of 8 May 2014, n. 229 (published in the Official Gazette - General Series of 03/06/2014, n. 126), we inform you that this website uses the following types of cookies:

A) session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user's device and are deleted when the browser is closed) are strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers required to enable a safe and efficient exploration of the website.

Third-party persistent cookies "Google Analytics" for monitoring the use of the site and for statistics.

In order to properly analyze the detailed rules for the use of the website, the Data controller also makes use of the web analytics service Google Analytics, provided by Google, through which - using cookies (whether temporary or permanent) - gathers information on the detailed rules on the  use the website by the users (such as, for example, the IP address) that are then transmitted by the user's browser directly to Google company based in the United States. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of the website and return the report useful to the Data controller to provide more and more services to the members of the user’s preferences. Such information can be transmitted from Google, in compliance with the provisions of its information on the data processing to third parties unless required by law or such third parties are expressly authorized to process the information on Google's behalf.

The information for these cookies is available at and it is possible to decide on the opting out through the tools provided in the following page

Third-party cookies to Social Network.

These cookies are used for sharing pages and/or articles that simplify access to social networks and social tools on the internet (so-called social plugin). These cookies are: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin and Pinterest.

The before-mentioned cookies are not used for more purposes than functional ones described above and their installation does not require the user's consent.

For more information on social plugins, please refer to the specific pages of the sites to which they refer:

- Facebook:

- Twitter:

- Google +:

- Linkedin:

- Pinterest:

- YouTube:

We emphasize, however, that, if the user fails to make any choice and decides to continue the navigation on this website, by closing the information banner, clicking on any part of the page or by scrolling to highlight additional content, he/she accepts this cookie policy and consent to the use of cookies also third party.

Finally, remember that the user always has the option to intervene to prevent the cookie read, for example by changing the privacy settings within your browser in order to block certain types (although this activity may cause the malfunction of the website or limit its functions).

To change the settings of the browser so as to disable cookies, it is possible to follow the appropriate procedure in this browser options used.

The following lists a number of useful links to the major browsers handle cookies:

• Chrome:;

• Firefox:;

• Safari:;

• Microsoft Edge:;

• Internet Explorer:

Data Subjects' Rights

The website users can exercise the rights set out in Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 in the manner specified by Articles 8 and 9 of the Code of Privacy.

In particular, the user can:

(I) Get informed: a) origin of personal data; b) purposes and methods of processing; c) the logic applied in case of processing electronically; d) the identity of the Data controller, controller and the processor appointed under Article 5, paragraph 2; e) subjects or categories of people to whom the data may be communicated or who can become aware about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents.

(II) To obtain: a) data update, rectification or, when interested, data integration; b) the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; c) certification that the operations described in point II a) and b) have been notified, also as regards their content, to those to whom the data were communicated or transmitted for disclosure, except in the case where this is impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

(III) To oppose, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons the processing of personal data, pertinent for collection purposes; b) to the processing of personal data for purposes of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

All requests should be sent, in any form and in any case no expense, to Bertazzoni S.p.A. via Palazzina 8 – Guastalla (RE) - Ital


Fax: 0522 226 440

Posta: Via Palazzina n. 8, Guastalla (RE)

This privacy policy of the website will be updated as necessary.

Proposition 65

Why do Bertazzoni products feature such a warning?

Some of our products - as well as those from other appliance manufacturers – feature the following warning notice:

WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm.

This notice has been made mandatory as part of a 1986 regulation passed in California, the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, also known as Proposition 65.

The warning does not indicate that Bertazzoni products cause cancer or reproductive harm or are non compliant with any federal, state or local product safety requirement. The state of California has unmistakably stated that “the fact that a product bears a Proposition 65 warning does not mean by itself that the product is unsafe. Proposition 65 is a right-to- know law not a product safety law.”For details click here

While we strongly believe that Bertazzoni products are not harmful when used as specified, we are obliged to post this warning as a consequence of this California law.

Why does Bertazzoni include this notice on the packaging of its products and in the Use & Care manuals?

Bertazzoni and virtually all other manufacturers have decided to provide a Proposition 65 notice out of an abundance of caution in order to avoid potential liabilities. Penalties for non-compliance are substantial

Why are products sold outside of California also labeled with this warning notice?

Bertazzoni products are sold throughout the US and Canada. It is virtually impossible to monitor and track which products are sold or transported into California. In order to comply with Proposition 65, we have decided to label all our products with the warning notice, regardless of where they are sold or installed.

For more information about Proposition 65 please click here.